Around the longest day of the year I go shopping to a major town to buy stuff not available in a small town. I haven't been wearing a mask for quite awhile although I carry one in my pocket. A few days later and I'm feeling like a case of the flu with some weird neurological effects. Sure enough:-
At this point isolating is pretty obvious because I don't feel like doing anything or going anywhere. A friend says he got over it 'in a couple of days' except he's a lot younger than me. I decide to phone the health department to see how long it takes to get over it. They tell me to have a phone consultation with a doctor within 2 hours. This seems a bit extreme but I am in my 70's so I ring the next day. I keep waiting to self recover but it's not happening.
A local doctor phones back and tells me he will prescribe anti-virals that can be picked-up from a local chemist but not by me. My partner picks them-up for me but now she is not in a good way with covid symptoms. The next day she tests positive.
The anti-virals take a couple of days to make me feel better. They work by making the virus produce faulty copies of itself. It feels like the pro-covid and anti-covid forces are having a battle in my body. I keep doing a bit of work but my brain really is not up to complex tasks.
About a week later I test negative:-
Now it's time for me to pick-up anti-virals for her. I feel bad I spread covid to my partner because we have avoided it for 4 years. I was also a vaccination behind the recommended dose because all my covid shots were in my left arm. My left arm seized-up and it took over a year to get it working again. Thanks bat munchers.
The Verdict?
I'm pissed-off humans have colonized this planet to the point they are either eating bats or developing bat bio-weapons. How much of what is actually happening do we even know about? Russia, North Korea and China are not going to announce what bio weapons they have developed. I'm pissed-off at dictators that hide behind the smokescreen of communism to oppress and control their populations.